DNA Project
The Tolliver/Taliaferro families use FamilyTreeDNA for our DNA testing. It has been proven that there are 3 groups. The Taliaferros make up one family. The descendants of John Toliver b. 1760 make up a second group. Descendants of Moses, Jesse, William, and Charles Toliver make up a third group. In Revolutionary War documents John swears that he and his older brothers, Moses and Jesse, were in the war together. Other documents show that they were very close but not blood related. We have 8 men who descend from John who match each other exactly but not the brothers. There are many more from Moses, Jesse, William, and Charles who match each other but not John or the Taliaferros.
If you are interesting in participating in the Tolliver/Toliver/Taliaferro DNA Project, click on the following link. DNA Test