14th Tolliver Reunion


14th Annual Tolliver Reunion

Carl D. Perkins Community Center

Route 32/Flemingsburg Rd., Morehead, KY 40351

June 24-25, 2016

Purpose – To meet Tolliver cousins and share family information.

Friday, June 24

1:00 p.m. Set up tables and chairs, display genealogy information, visit.

7:00 p.m. Welcome and introductions. Some music. Bingo led by Lea Ann Lyon.

Saturday, June 25

9:00 a.m. Registration, visiting and informal sharing

10:15 a.m. Talent sharing – music, hobbies, crafts, careers, scrapbooks, personal books or poems, quilts, jewelry, etc.

11:45 a.m. Potluck Lunch – Out-of-towners, Kroger has a nice deli. Lee’s Famous Recipe Fried Chicken is also good.

1:00 p.m. Welcome and introductions.

Divide into family groups to meet your closest cousins. The goal is to introduce everyone, share family stories, and select one story to share with the large group.

Share stories from small groups.

Dr. J. D. Reeder “New Feud Stories”

3:00 p.m. Announce winning bids from the Silent Auction.

A printed tour guide is available for those who would like to visit some Tolliver sites.

Housing – Hampton Inn is reserving 20 rooms until June 10th. Call 1-606-780-0601 to make your reservation. Tell them you are with the Tolliver Reunion. Cost: $99.00 plus tax.

Silent Auction – Bring items either Friday or Saturday. There is no charge for registration. We appreciate Carla Eberwein’s leadership with this fun activity. Money raised from the auction is applied towards the costs of the Reunion (mailings, building rental, registration materials, printing, cookies, beverages, ice, etc.)

Talent Sharing – We have found that the Tollivers are very creative and talented. We have broadened our talent sharing to include not only music, but scrapbooking, quilting, crafts, jewelry, writing books and poetry, sewing, hobbies, dancing, etc. Please bring and share.

Family items to share – Please bring interesting mementoes to share such as a picture of your great-grandparents, an old quilt, etc. If you bring copies of pictures we can display them on a poster.

The Community Center is easily accessible and air-conditioned. A scanner will be available to copy photos. Bring updated family information.

Recipe Project – J. D. is still collecting old Tolliver family recipes and stories.

Who is invited – All Tollivers descending from the 5 Tolliver brothers in NC in the 1700s. If someone you know doesn’t get an invitation, invite them. We don’t have everyone’s address.

Location: Hampton Inn and the Community Center are both on Flemingsburg Road (Exit 137 from I64) between the Interstate and Morehead.

Update your information – I have some requests for books. Before I print anything I would like to have new information such as marriages, births, deaths, etc. It has been awhile since I printed anything.

More Information – Emma Lee Tolliver – 614-267-6556; ELT1000@aol.com

Hope to see you there.